Sunday, 27 April 2014

Pirate Bread

We have called this Pirate Bread as it contains rum and raisins from the Caribbean

The Wet Ingredients
First of all take a good handful of raisins and put them in a measuring jug, pour over hot water to the 200ml mark and leave to soak for at least one hour.
After the time is up add to this 2 capfulls of rum (we had some Captain Morgan's Original Spiced Gold Rum which seemed appropriate) and a capfull of vanilla extract

Dry Ingredients:
225g Self Raising Flour
75g Sugar
1 teasp ground cinnamon
1/2 teasp ground nutmeg
1 pinch clove
1/4 teasp salt

Mix all the dry ingredients together

Add all the wet ingredients and stir well, you can add a splash of milk if it seems too dry and a sprinkle of flour if it seems too wet.
You should end up with a very soft mixture, the same consistency as a sort sponge cake mix.

Pour it into a tin or tray and put in the oven at 175 degrees for approx 35 mins

This is yummy warm or cold - must admit we couldn't wait for it to cool properly

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