Thursday, 16 January 2020

I'm Fed Up of Being Ill now!

     I am not good at being ill - well not for more than a couple of days.
     Being ill for a day or two is a nice little restful guilt-free holiday - with time maybe for a square or two of crochet. But this latest illness has been a bit of a barsteward.
     It started off as a cough, but rapidly became a chesty conjestion, which meant that getting out of breath was a scary experience - and I could get out of breath walking a few steps across the room. Going to the bathroom, two whole rooms away, could take me quarter of an hour as I would have to have two stop and sit downs on the way to get my breath back.
     And getting upstairs became an impossible dream.
    Which meant that as both of my computers are upstairs, I couldn't get on with any office work, including working on our next mail shot, get on Facebook, or play WoW.
     Even doing a bit of crocheting would get me out of breath.
     So after four days I was starting to get a bit peed off with it.
     The only good thing I can see is that my appetite has been crap too - so I may have lost weight! Yay!
     I suspect that despite how quickly this illness came on, it will linger and take time to get rid of.
     Sleeping has also been difficult as
a) I can't get upstairs to bed
b) if I lay down the coughing gets worse plus I feel as if I am drowning
so I have been having to spend my nights sitting up on the sofa, which combined with the coughing means a few nights with not a lot of sleeping going on. Which in turn has meant that I have been dropping asleep at odd times during the day and evening.
     Graham has enjoyed telling me that as I drift in and out of consciousness I have taken to mumbling. I don't seem to say anything just mumble. Then last night when I fell asleep briefly in the evening he said I had been humming in my sleep. He did say that it sounded nice though.
     As you might have gathered from this blog - I made it upstairs this morning, so things are on the mend.

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