Monday, 12 July 2021

 Why is it that I don't notice a typo, or a missing price until after I have finished printing the Newsletter or catalogue out?
    No, let's be accurate here: until well after all the catalogues have been printed and sent out to customers.
    I found a good one in the latest 'Even More Gemstones' list when I was writing a lyrical introduction to the beautiful gemstone crescent moons we have just got in: 'There is nothing like being outside at night and seeing the beautiful Moon sailing across the sky. Sometimes we may only catch glimpses as she pees out between clouds ...'
    Yep that should have read 'peeps out'.
    Sigh. Oh well I suppose it wouldn't be a proper Raven catalogue if it was perfect.

    In the Newsletter I have put a collection of Summer Spells, including the following:

A Spell for Happiness

    For this spell gather five small objects that symbolise happiness to you. A sea shell for happy days at the beach, a flower from your garden, a little tassel of coloured wool perhaps, a pretty gem stone, an old paint brush, a coin, a photo of a loved one. Whatever to you symbolises happiness.
    Light a candle and arrange your five objects around the candle, not close enough to come to harm, then say:
    Each of these objects brings a smile
    And gladdens my sad heart
    These memories of happy pasts
    All will play a part
    Bring happiness once more to me
    Bring joy and jolly company
    As I ask now, so mote it be!

    Keep all of these objects in a special treasure box. Find a tiny notebook and write in it why you have chosen each object. Whenever you come across something else which brings you a happy memory, write that down in your book, and if you can, add the object or perhaps a picture of it, to your special treasure box.
    When you are feeling low, look in your box and handle its treasures, think about the happiness they symbolise. Soon you will find your box is stuffed with happiness, so much so that happiness begins to flow out of you, making you smile more.
    I wish you happiness too.


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