Besides which you need a bit of rain to help you look forward to, and really appreciate a beautiful sunny day.
Unfortunately where we live on the Eastern side of the UK, it has been several weeks since we had any rain. We had a brief shower last Tuesday, but in the main our garden has been surviving on our re-cycled bath water, which we have been using to water the garden rather than just letting it go down the drain.
In the main I tend not to go in for weather spells as often you find that once the weather changes, it sticks with its new format. That is, if it starts raining, it will carry on doing so!
However, enough is enough when even satellite pictures of the British Isles are showing us not as a green and pleasant land, but as a brown and crispy one!
So here are a couple of rain spells from my own spell book:
Sympathetic Rain Spell
Sympathetic magic means doing something which encourages the environment to follow suit and act in sympathy with your actions.
A medieval spell for rain is very simple:
Take a bowl or bucket of water outside, dip the bristles of a brooom in the water and flick it heavenwards. The drops falling from the broom imitate or mimic raindrops and hopefully encourage the sky to follow suit.
As you do this, you can chant:
Come, Rain, Come!
Fall, Rain, Fall!
Drop, Rain, Drop!
Another Rain Spell
Take a bowl or tub of water outside and stir it deosil (clockwise) with your broom, creating a vortex in your bowl.
As you do this, know that you are stirring the sky, which is reflected in the water, encouraging the clouds to condense and accumulate, growing in the sky above. Imagine them like candyfloss, growing bigger and bigger, accumulating over your location.
You can also chant:
I stir the sky, I stir the clouds
They grow and fill with rain!
I stir the sky, I call the clouds
To rain, and rain again!